Common UX Terms
3-click rule - User should be able to find any info with no more than 3 mouse clicks (or finger taps)
5-second test - users get an impression/idea within 5 seconds of viewing a product
A/B testing - Compare two versions of a product to determine which one performs better
Accessibility - Practice of making products usable by as many people as possible
Alpha Test - Developers test a product to ensure it meets the business requirements and functions properly. Done before beta testing
Beta Test - Testing before a product is released to wide audiences. Check out some beta testing resources here
Cognitive Walkthrough - See if tasks can be performed in the correct sequence of actions they were designed in, and to understand learnability
Customer Experience (CX) - All interactions between customers and your design/brand, including overall experience, likelihood to continue use, and likelihood to recommend to others
Customer Journey Map (CJM) - Tool to understand what motivates your users - what their needs are, their hesitations, and concerns
F-pattern - Moving downwards in a horizontal direction, forming an “F” shape on the page. Focus is concentrated at the top and the left side of the page.
Human Centered Design - Design involving human perspective in every steps of the problem-solving process
Impact Map - Graphic planning method to decide which features to build into a product
Information Architecture (IA) - Structured design of information within a project; organizing, structuring, and labeling content in an effective and sustainable way
Mental Model - Explanation of thought process about how something works in the real world
Mindmap - Diagram used to visually organize info, also known as wordmap (using text) is hierarchical and shows relationships between elements AND the big picture
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) - Product version with just enough features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future product development.
Mockup - Model/replica of a product, used for instructional or experimental purposes. Could also mean a photo-realistic rendering of a physical product (such as an iphone or macbook) onto which you could place your design
Site Map - List of pages of a web site, often organized by hierarchy.
Create sitemaps using these diagram makers
Prototype - Early sample, model, or release of a product built to test a concept or process
Responsive Web Design (RWD) - Web product can adjust to accommodate different screen sizes
UI Design - Refers to user interaction design OR user interface
Use cases - Written description of how users will perform tasks on your website
User flow - Path taken by a prototypical user on a website or app to complete a task
User Interaction - How the user acts on a product and how the product responds
User Interface - Access points where users interact with designs
Graphical User Interface - Form of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and audio, instead of just text
Wireframe - Visual representation of a user interface
General Design Terms
Balance - Distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and space
Fontsmith's A-Z of Typographic Terms - Detailed list of typographic parts and terms, with charts
Gestalt - People do not visually perceive items in isolation, but as part of a larger whole.
- Figure-ground - Perception of images by the distinction of objects from a background
- Similarity - Elements that are similar will be perceived as “related”
- Proximity - Elements placed close together are perceived as “related”
- Common region - When objects are enclosed in a container they are seen as “related”
- Continuity - Elements arranged on a line or curve are perceived to be more related than elements not on the line or curve
- Closure - Viewers will try to perceive recognizable forms within patterns/complex forms
- Focal point - Whatever stands out visually will capture and hold viewer's attention first
Golden Ratio - Designs that align with the golden ratio are perceived as more unified. Read about the math here. Here are also some critiques of the Golden Ratio
Rule of Thirds - draws the viewer's eye into the composition, instead of just glancing at the center. Mostly applied in photography, but applicable to layout design too
Web Design-Related Terms
16px (standard 1em) - In almost every browser, 16px is the standard for proportional fonts
Modular Scaling - Sequence of numbers that relate to one another in a meaningful way. Designs using a modular scale will look more unified and organized
User Testing & Psychology Terms
Bias - Preference, prejudice, or tendency that can affect a subject’s behavior during testing. These should be avoided as much as possible so your results don’t get skewed
- Confirmation Bias - Tendency for people to interpret, favor, and recall info in a way that supports their beliefs. Ex. seeing favored political candidates in a good light despite any bad actions
- Hawthorne Effect - Users behave differently when they know they’re being watched. Ex. Chef fumbles making food when they know Gordon Ramsay is watching them
- Social Desirability Bias - Subjects might behave in ways they think the tester wants them to respond. Ex. Getting a salad when going out with friends when all you really want to eat is a large cheese pizza
Confounding variable - Suggest there is correlation when there actually isn’t
- Ex. Shark bite rates seem to go up when ice cream sales go up. This isn’t because one variable “causes” the other, but rather both are correlated to each other since both rates go up during the summer
Convenience/ Opportunity Sampling - Using the people near you or whomever is easily available as subjects. This is sometimes a bad sampling practice since you might not be sampling from your target demographic. You might also find user bias and confounding variables
Generalisability - Extent to which findings can be applied to the complete target population
Heuristic Evaluation - Holistic test to see if the thing you’re testing is a design pattern or follows recognized usability principles
Observation - Controlled observation of users means to examine how users interact with what you’re testing without interfering with how they interact with your prototype
Random Sampling - When everyone in a target demographic has an equal chance of being selected. No testing is truly random, but ideally we can get close
Sample - Participants that you select from a target population
Stratified Sampling - When subgroups (such as gender identity or age) are identified and participants are selected in proportion to those subgroups
- Ex. 50 eggplant lovers and 20 peach lovers are in your selection pool.
- 10% of each subgroup is selected to be tested, giving you 5 eggplant lovers and 2 peach lovers, all randomly selected subjects.
Subject - An individual you’re conducting a (user) test on
Systematic Sampling - sampling users using a system
Target Population - Total group from which subjects can be found from
Think Aloud - Ask participants to test your product while saying what they’re thinking/ vocalizing their action for a better grasp of their thought process
Volunteer Sample - Participants opt into your study
Common File Extensions
- AI - Adobe Illustrator file
- AVIF - Modern AV1 Image file format, similar to JPEG but with much better compression
- BMP - Bitmap image
- GIF - GIF image
- JPG or JPEG - JPEG image
- ICO - Icon file
- PNG - PNG image
- PS - PostScript file
- PSD - PSD image
- SVG - Scalable vector graphics
- TIF or TIFF - TIFF image
- WebP - Web Picture Format. Compresses files better than JPEG and PNG. Supports transparency. Developed by Google
- FNT - Windows font file
- FON - Generic font file
- OTF - Open type font file
- TTF - TrueType font file
- HTM or HTML - html document (structures webpages)
- CSS - cascading style sheet (styles webpages)
- SCSS - Style sheet that contains Sass language
- JS - javascript file, scripts to make a website dynamic
Disc and Media
- BIN - Binary disc image
- DMG - macOS X disk image
- ISO - ISO disc image
- TOAST - Toast disc image
- VCD - Virtual CD
Useful Sources
ComputerHope - List of common file extensions and what they do
UI/UX Glossary - List of UIUX terms, you can also check out this site's Terms to Know
UX Design Glossary - List of UX terms focusing on Customer Experience